Friday, January 19, 2007

Eda Ranu - Our Water

While we were on the Christian Radio Station, an employee of Eda Ranu (translated - Our Water), our local water and sewerage company, called in and invited us to their weekly lunch time fellowship. We said, “We would love to”, and that sealed it. He called us back after the show and organized for the company bus to come and pick us up at 11am the next day. It was a really answer to prayer because as Natalie and I were praying before the team got here, we both really felt that we were to pray and worship at Eda Ranu (over the water), but did not know how to go about it. tNats and I just prayedhat, if it really was on Gods heart, he would make it happen. I guess it was really on God’s Heart. Our time with them was truly a God thing! David Tabor had a word for those in attendance (mostly men), and it was spot on. It was just a really nice time. They treated us to lunch afterwards which was special.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David and Natalie

Remember the chocolate cup cakes @ Eda Ranu?? Well just for your info it was home baked by me (Billy) and my fiance (Vashti). Hope u's really enjoyed it!

God bless

Billy and Vashti
Doggybites Catering

5:06 AM  

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